A place for all of those recipes I collect as well as a place to document good wines and foods I have tried.

Monday, December 7, 2009

Clam Dip

Recently I posted on Facebook that my clam dip tastes better after it had been in the refrigerator overnight. Several people asked for the recipe which I thought was strange as I have never really used a recipe before as I can't totally remember how my mom made it but I do remember she put in pickle juice. I guess I assumed everyone knows how to make clam dip or other dips.

My recipe changes each time a bit but this is what I did last time.

  • 2 bricks cream cheese (I use all of them, regular, lowfat or fat free and don't notice much difference)
  • 1 can diced clams (All of it, DO NOT drain you need that clammy juice! The can is the regular tuna size one.)
  • 2 green onions chopped
  • 1/4 cup juice from the pepperoncini jar (or so maybe a little more - I just pour a good swig into the mix). I also use pickle juice but I didn't have any....and I might like this better. If your dip is too thick use this to thin it.)
  • 3 dashes pepper

Mix until smooth.
Let sit overnight in the fridge.
Serve with chips!

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